
Friendship is a like a bird, if U catch it tightly it dies,if U catch it loosely flye away, but if catch it affectionately it remains with you forever

 i need you…..

To live a life i need heartbeat, 2 have heartbeat i need a heart, 2 have heart i need happiness, to have happiness i need a friend, and 4 a friend i need U.ALWAYS

 last night….

last night GOD gave me two choices,Either to have a good friend like you or to have an excellent memory…..”i dont remember what i chose”….

 True Friendship…..

True Friendship is like standing on wet cement,
Longer you stay harder it’s to leave, & if you try togo,
you can’t go without leaving your footprints

 “YOU” and “ME”…..

Letters start with Abc,
Numbers start with 123,
Music start with sa re ga
Friendship start with “YOU” and “ME”.


Rutha h is kader k manaya na gaya,
Dur itna o gaya par bhulaya n gaya,
Tanha kar liya humne jindagi ka safar,
Apke siva dost banaya na gaya.

 old friends ….

old friends are gold new friends are diamond dont mis the gold bcoz only gold holds the diamond

 One day….

One day Friendship & Love met one-another.
Love asked Friendship –
“Why do You exist if I’m there?”
So Friendship said –
“To give a Smile to those eyes in which You leave Tears.”

 dear friend…..

48+2 Members can sit in a Bus.
5+1 can sit in a Car.
3+1 can sit in a auto
1+1 can sit in a Bike.
Only 1 can sit in my Heart,
That’s ‘U’ My dear friend..

 I am sending ……

I am sending u three flowers,
for reminding u three things..

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