So I can catch when you Fall.

During our friendship,
there will be times
you wont see me beside you,
don’t think I left you behind,
I just choose to walk behind you
so I can catch when you Fall.

 I can keep you as a friend 4ever!!

If friends were flowers
I would not pick you!
I’ll let you grow in the
garden & cultivate you
with love and care so
I can keep you as a friend 4ever!!

 Each day is never a waste.

As long as we have memories,
yesterday remains;
as long as we have hope,
tomorrow awaits.
As long as we have Friendship,
each day is never a waste.

 Friendship is not about finding the right person

Friendship is not about finding
the right person but,
Creating the right relation.
It’s not how much we care
in the beginning but how much
we care till the end.

Wat u see as truth wat u see as lies
remember that true friendship never dies

although we may change & drift apart,
I will always value u deep within my heart!

 A friend is never a coincidence in your life

A friend is never a coincidence in your life,
they are meant to enter your life
to bring you joy and laughter.
So, i will treasure the friendship between us.

 Keeping a friend is as difficult

Keeping a friend is as difficult
as losing one. U sacrifice a lot to
Keep Them. I may not have sacrificed
enough 4 u… But in my heart i swear
i’m Keeping u..

 Friend ship is like a mobile sim.

“FRIENDSHIP” is a sim,
which has no activation charges.
Free incoming and outgoing
with roaming all over the world
and it’s validity “NEVER ENDs”…

 Na miltay ho na SMS kertay ho

Aay dost tum bhi ajeeb ho.
Meray dil k kitnay qareeb ho.

Na miltay ho na SMS kertay ho.
kia tum mujh say bhi ziyadah gharib ho.

 You are my friend forever




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