B-egin ur day with
L-ove in ur heart…
E-ver Smiling…
S-hare goodness
S-hine like d sun
I-nspire some1…
N-ever 4get that
G-OD is with U.
Good Morning !!
Work for a cause n not for applause
“Live life to express n not to Impress
“Dont strive to make ur presence noticed,
Just make ur absence felt”..
Good Morning..
Silent in mouth may avoid many problems..
But..smile in mouth may solve all d problems..
So always have a sweet,silent smile…
Wish u a good morning and nice day
The beauty of relationship is not
just listening when the word are spoken,
but in feeling and sharing even when
ther is nothing except silence..
Good Morning !!
Evrything In Life Has A Beautiful Ending.
If Its Not Beautiful,
Then Believe Me Its Not D End,
Its Just D Beginning Of Something More Beautiful.
Good Morning !!