Love only once and you’ll be loved forever.

Leave it once it’ll will be left forever,
Get it once it’ll be yours forever,
It’s nothing but love,
Love only once and you’ll be loved forever.

 You are like the sunshine so warm..

You are like the sunshine so warm,
you are like sugar,
so sweet.
you are like you.
and that’s the reason why I love you!

 Never doubt I love..!

Doubt that the stars are fire,
doubt that the sun doth move,
doubt truth to be a liar,
but never doubt I love.

 Accidents do happen..

Accidents do happen.
i slip-
i trip-
i stumble-
i fall nd
usually i dont care at all.
but now
i dont know
what to do coz
i slipped and
fell in love with u…..

 I just close my eyes..

I just close my eyes because
I might see your face.
I just close my mouth because
I might hear your voice.
I just close my ears because
I might hear of you,
but I could not close my heart
because I love you.

 Love never dies..

Love never dies..
It remains forever
Only partner changes.. 😉
So keep loving d latest one 😉

 It takes a strong heart..

It takes a strong heart to love.
It takes a stronger heart to continue
to love after it has been hurt…

 I’d treasure every day..

if you were my valentine
I’d treasure every day
the arms that open to me
and the tender words you say
I can’t imagine dreaming
of another soul so sweet
for, if your were my valentine
my life would be complete

 Boys n Girls get into Love becoz of Misundrstngs..

Funny But Fact:

Boys n Girls get into Love becoz of Misundrstngs…

And hate each other when they started to understand each other..!

 Dont Loveonly Line Maro !

L =====
O =====
V =====
E =====

L=Loss Of Money.

O=Out Of Mind.

V=Vaste Of Time.

E=End Of Life.

So Don’T LOVE.

Only Line Maro?.

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